Sunday, October 17, 2010

Literature Taught in Universities--A Small Thought.

As always, I strongly encourage universities to add "Paradise Lost" to the list for English Literature majors. I was highly disappointed that I had been served a little "blurb" of the epic in a 17th century literature class. Granted, the text is difficult to understand, but, with extra guidance with a trained professional students will learn to cope.

 When I was in college, I attended a "Dante's Inferno" course. Now, this course was very intense--lines interpreted word by word, reference by reference. Although initially intimidating, the course grew intriguing with a Dante scholar as the leader.

 I know after reading this small blurb of a post, some of you may be thinking: "Is she nuts?" or "Why would I want to read that? It's hard and boring!" I agree that older forms of literature are difficult to comprehend. They may even frustrate you to the point where you just want to throw the book at the wall! But,  as I stated in my example before, with the perfect guide and patience, these texts may become more enjoyable.

Enjoy literature as a piece of the puzzle of our history. Do not look at it as a way to make your life miserable.

~Lovely Iris.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more! I am the first person to put off reading a classic but once I delve in and take the challenge I am always thankful that I did.

    Following you:)
